Category Archives: Friday Flash

Final Friday Flash for 2022/23

Thank You and Goodbye

I want to take the opportunity to thank all of our families for their ongoing support for the Palmerston Team. Our students continued to amaze us each day with their perseverance, resilience, kindness, and care as they worked to do and be their very best at school. It has been my honor and privilege to work with all our students, families, and the amazing staff at Palmerston to make great learning and growing happen in a learning environment centered on our students’ success and well-being. I leave with many cherished memories and wish all our students success and happiness.

I also want to thank our amazing Palmerston School Council, who helped make so many wonderful events happen at school; Welcome Back BBQ, Harvest Festival, UofT STEM, Dance-A-Thon, MayFest, Yearbook. These special events are a part of the memory-scape of a child’s time at school, bringing joy and happiness through the arts, STEM, and social gatherings with friends and other families. Special thanks to Co-Charis, Jen Heimpel and Laura Heath-Potter for providing their incredible leadership and support for Council initiatives.

A special thank you to all our families who helped volunteer in so many ways to make special events happen, such as field trips, concerts and clubs, special school events (e.g. Harvest Fest, MayFest), or sharing your knowledge and experiences with students in the classroom.

Although a new Principal has yet to be announced, we will continue to support the school with Jodi Greenwood and our Superintendent until an announcement has been made. A special thank you to Jodi for all her support as a part of the Palmerston Administration Team. 

And thank you to all of our amazing teachers and support staff for their ongoing commitment and care to our students and their success & well- being – another great year of learning and growing together at Palmerston!

I wish everyone a safe, healthy, and happy summer ahead. Thank you for making my years at Palmerston so memorable.

School Calendar for 2023/24 School Year

Please note School Year Calendar for 2023/24 attached. Classes begin on Tuesday, September 5 for all students.

2023/24 School Year Calendar


Calendar of Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars

July 10-August 25School Office Closed – Happy Summer
August 28School Office Reopens for 2023/24 School Year
Thursday, August 31Class Placements Shared Via Email
September 5First Day of School 2023/24